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Jersey City, New Jersey

JJS Capital has been active in Jersey City with regard to extending loans, co-founding and owning one-third of a profitable operating business generating about $12 million in annual sales, building and selling out a 12-unit condominium and buying and selling various undeveloped parcels and other properties. Remaining assets, aside from loans extended to Jersey City borrowers is the operating business and a 50% interest in a 47,000 sq foot commercial rental property.

Private Debt Financing

JJS Capital is a lender of funds, collateralized by hard assets, to borrowers who can not avail themselves to traditional financing means or who do not have the time to do so.  JJS has extended about 70 loans to businesses and individuals seeking liquidity for operations and acquisitions. Loans as small as $100,000 and as large as $20 million will be considered.

Inasmuch as JJS Capital uses only its own funds and does not take on investors, loans have closed in as few as 8 business days. Furthermore, as JJS focuses on low Loan-To-Value (LTV) deals and places most importance on the integrity of the asset being liened, troubled Borrowers who could not borrow from traditional lending institutions can seek solutions with JJS. Loans have been extended to Borrowers coming out of Bankruptcy as well as to a Borrower who was incarcerated at the time of the loan application. Examples of recent loans include a $2.4 million loan to a land-owner in Little Haiti, FL, a $2.5 million loan to a condo conversion investor in Hoboken, NJ and a $1.4 million loan to a property investor in Key West.

As JJS is not a licensed bank and does not take funds from external investors, we do not loan against primary residences. The Borrower must attest that the property being liened against is an investment property.

Passive Investments

Considerable time is spent analyzing passive deals in others' private equity projects and JJS Capital is currently invested in over 100 passive deals.

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